Since its inception in 1963 by Peter Ganderton and Peter Jeppesen, Autonnic has evolved to become a specialist marine Electronics firm. Starting out in the 60’s and 70’s as a major manufacturer of radio tuners, the business then diversified into the development of highly accurate radiation detection systems.
In 1982 Autonnic became Autonnic Research, to reflect the innovative nature of the business and to show its strong passion for research and development. The name change also brought a new focus on the yacht market place and it rapidly became the power behind the scenes of yacht autopilot systems across the globe, with its highly accurate sensors.
Since taking over Autonnic Research in 2001 Chris Shelton has driven innovation towards the improving of accuracy and performance of all our manufactured products and components. We have developed an alloy and smelting process, to obtain the most precise readings from Autonnic Research’s range of fluxgates; the introduction of extremely durable wind anemometers show our drive to exceed industry expectations and in 2018 Autonnic was awarded a METSTRADE DAME award nomination for the Starlight® steering aid.
Product innovation is a constant process using our knowledge and skill base built over many years to bring you the AptiVolt® range of battery charging modules and the first production of our range of a new type of Indicator. Our company culture is ever more focused on invention to create high quality electronics which can be relied on at sea and land across a range of leisure and industrial uses.