NMEA183 Compass
NMEA183 Gyro Compass
NMEA2000 Compass
NMEA2000 Gyro Compass

Either NMEA0183 or 2000 output format
Water resistant to IP68
Auto Calibration by button-press

Set-Zero by button-press
0183 versions are user-configurable for compatibility
Pitch and Roll corrected to ±45Ëš
The Autonnic Compass Sensor uses fluxgate technology to provide the most accurate magnetic heading, meeting the requirements of all navigation displays and devices on board. The electronic compass unit is weather tight, allowing an optimal installation position inside or outside the hull. The compass works by taking the magnetic heading and converting it into a digital signal for use by chart plotters, Autopilots, AIS systems and other electronic devices onboard.
In the A5041 gyro model, heading output is additionally derived by integrating the rate output from a MEMS yaw accelerometer or ‘gyro’ which is drift-corrected by a fluxgate magnetometer with pitch and roll compensation up to 45°.
Simrad Legacy Compass

Older Simrad® Autopilots can be kept going with this functional alternative to the RFC35.
Simrad is a TM of Navico